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COVID-19 vaccine - Hawaii

Important links

Hawaii State Department of Health →

For vaccine appointment scheduling and planning, regional guidance, and FAQ, visit Hawaii State Department of Health.


Frequently asked questions

Is there someone I can talk to? What COVID-19 resources has Amazon made available?

The Medical Advice Line is available to the Amazon workforce. You can use it for help with questions about COVID-19. These include where to find vaccination or testing sites. Call the Medical Advice Line at 1-888-434-9473, available 24 hours, 7 days a week.


Should I get the vaccine?

Yes. We encourage you to choose to be vaccinated and lead by example. By receiving a vaccination, you will help protect yourself, your loved ones, co-workers, and community.


Am I required to get the vaccine?

At this time, vaccination is not a requirement. However, we encourage you to choose to be vaccinated, lead by example, and help our community get back to normal.


Which vaccine would you recommend? Have you heard which one is the most effective?

All currently approved vaccines have demonstrated effectiveness in protecting recipients from severe complications, including death. For more information about COVID-19 vaccines that are available to you, talk with your healthcare provider or refer to information provided by the World Health Organization and your local health authority.


I am fully vaccinated. Do I need a booster?

The COVID-19 vaccines approved for use in the United States continue to be very effective at preventing severe complications and hospitalization. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends booster doses for:

  • Certain populations who completed their Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna vaccine more than 6 months ago. The recommendations are based on individual benefits and risks related to things like age, housing circumstances, and health considerations.
  • People who received the Johnson & Johnson vaccine more than 2 months ago.

You should consult with your medical provider to determine whether a booster dose is recommended for your individual circumstances.


What if I am not planning to receive the vaccine? 

We strongly encourage everyone to get vaccinated as soon it is available. This is for your own health and safety, and that of your loved ones, coworkers, and community. Approved vaccines have been proven safe and effective and are a critical step in helping our lives and communities return to normal.