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COVID-19 vaccine - US


General information

People who are 18 years old and over are eligible for all COVID-19 vaccines available in the US. Those who are 5 years old and over are eligible for the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine. Visit COVID-19 Vaccines for Children and Teens for more details.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) can help you find:

  • Vaccine providers in your area
  • Up-to-date COVID-19 information

The US Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) expanded vaccine eligibility to all US veterans (including those not enrolled in VA Healthcare), spouses, and caregivers. Visit COVID-19 vaccines at VA to find more details about the VA’s vaccination distribution efforts.


State guidance

The state guidance is intended to share helpful details with Amazon’s workforce, including Amazon partners, such as all third-party carriers and drivers, including, but not limited to, Delivery Service Partners (DSP), Flex, Amazon Freight Partners (AFP), and Relay, and all individuals working in our buildings, as well as adult members of their households.

Select your state from the list below to find vaccine resources in your area. This includes on-site vaccination events hosted by Amazon. 

More resources


Visit, powered by VaccineFinder, to find locations that offer COVID-19 vaccines, such as clinics and pharmacies. Results are based on actual doses these locations received. Stock moves fast. You may have to check many locations to book your appointment.