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Cleaning and Disinfection Plan

Disinfection by way of ongoing and routine cleaning processes is a central part of the Amazon COVID-19 response plan. This is a two-fold approach consisting of routine cleaning and enhanced cleaning. Amazon’s COVID-19 case enhanced cleaning uses the same cleaning agents, which are disinfectants approved by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and methodology as the routine COVID-19 cleaning procedure. The difference being that the COVID-19 case enhanced cleaning is targeted on a specific area or areas that have been recently exposed to a COVID-19 case and routine COVID-19 cleaning is continuously ongoing throughout the site.


Routine cleaning  

Amazon conducts routine cleaning processes on an increased basis. These processes include disinfection of all high-touch areas such as doors, turnstiles, bathroom surfaces, and handrails by our janitorial teams. Additionally, cleaning supplies are readily available for all associates to clean their own workstations at the start, the end, or during their shifts. Process map visuals (PMVs) and training guides have been created and provided to guide associates through the proper routine cleaning procedures for their equipment and handwashing protocols. Associates may contact their managers for additional information regarding PMVs and training guides. All cleaning materials are on the EPA’s approved list of disinfectants for COVID-19. Site sanitation supply levels are regularly audited to ensure proper stock levels are maintained. 

All Amazon Mode of Transportation equipment (AMOT), such as Over the Road (OTR) vehicles, also undergoes rigorous cleaning protocols. All AMOT drivers are equipped with cleaning products and disposable gloves approved by Workplace Health and Safety (WHS). Drivers are provided PMVs and training material in order to adequately clean their equipment at the start and end of a shift, and between drivers.

Shared materials, such as safety harnesses and electronic handheld devices, may also be used within Amazon and protocols have been established to ensure proper disinfection prior to handover. Where possible, associates have individually procured and assigned equipment. Where not possible or practical, material-specific cleaning guidelines have been established highlighting the type of equipment, cleaning procedure, frequency, and allocation for potentially shared devices.


Enhanced cleaning

Upon site notification of a COVID-19 case, the Amazon Enhanced Cleaning protocol is implemented. This protocol is designed to target specific areas which may have been immediately exposed to COVID-19. Locations frequented by the COVID-positive individual are closed off until proper cleaning can take place. At a minimum, the individual’s workstation, immediately adjacent workstations within a 12-foot radius, shared areas, equipment, tools, carts, and touchpoints used by the associate, and single-use offices, if applicable, undergo the enhanced cleaning. Trained janitorial cleaning teams complete the enhanced cleaning and have been equipped with the necessary personal protective equipment (PPE) as well as the knowledge of its proper use and disposal. Potentially contaminated surfaces are disinfected with a water and neutral detergent mixture followed by non-bleach products, unless bleach is mandated by regulation. An ethanol mixture may be substituted for surfaces that could be damaged by the active ingredients in bleach products. Workstations undergoing enhanced cleaning protocols are disabled and posted as such until all surfaces are cleaned, dry, and ready to safely be returned to duty. Air circulation inside the facility has been maximized to the extent feasible in accordance with the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidance.

For OTR vehicles, similar procedures are in place to ground and quarantine the vehicle after notice of a COVID-19 case. A third-party vendor has been contracted to dry clean, wet clean, disinfect, and wipe down the vehicle. The vehicle will remain out of service throughout the day of its cleaning and may be returned to service the day following.